April INsights & Lunch Bytes

  • April 09, 2025
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom



Alumni Relations

Alumni Relations has been a popular topic recently on the INAPEF Member Forum. Let's share ideas on best practices for engaging our high school alumni. This will be a time of conversation and sharing ideas with one another. 

This session will be hosted by Wendi Ailor, INAPEF Board Member and Executive Director of the West Lafayette Education Foundation.  In her role, she oversees the association as well as events and resources for the alumni association.

Lunchtime networking hours are FREE for members and take place via Zoom. Take advantage of the opportunity to discuss INAPEF, public ed, ed foundation, and/or other non-profit related topics. You're encouraged to bring your lunch and eat, don't skip it!

Contact Us  |  317.661.1482
PO Box 862, Brownsburg IN 46112

Indiana Association of Public Education Foundations is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 

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